Sunday, November 19, 2017

I'm no longer fuming

Now that it's getting cold outside, it's time to break out the garage heaters.  One conundrum faced when wrenching in cold weather is the need to run a car while working on it while keeping the exhaust fumes minimal.  This issue becomes even more prevalent when a classic car is involved as they don't have modern emission equipment installed.  I came up with a cheap solution to my problem: a DIY exhaust evacuation system.  The parts list is simple: 25 feet of 4" flexible foil ducting and a 4" duct fan, all obtained from

I secured one end of the duct to the ridge vent in the garage.  I then ran it down the rafters towards the left rear post on the lift.

I then ran the duct down the lift post and secured it with an adhesive zip-tie mount and zip ties.

After adding the fan and a short section of duct to the upstream side of the fan, it was ready for testing.  I used a jack stand to hold the fan in place while I slid the short section of duct onto the tailpipe.  I plugged-in the fan and started up the car.  After letting the car warm up (to confirm that my heater control valve was leaking), I can say that there was only the faintest of exhaust smells in the garage; without the duct the smell would have been so bad I would have had to leave the garage.  Success!