Sunday, December 3, 2017

Revived spark

One thing I noticed with the Z was the platinum spark plugs installed.  Not knowing the age of these plugs or the plug wires, along with the fact that I don't like platinum plugs due to a bad experience in my old Ford Escort GT I had as a teen led me to the desire to change these items.  I did some research and found an overwhelming majority of L28E owners (the engine in the Z) recommend a specific combination of plug and wire, both manufactured by NGK.

I purchased 6 NGK BPR6ES-11 plugs and a set of NGK RC-NE61 plug wires from Summit Racing.  The platinum plugs were hotter than the recommended plugs I purchased; we'll see if there was a reason for this as I drive on the new plugs. 


The swap was easy enough.  I will say that the NGK plug wires certainly seem to be a higher quality, both from the construction aspect as well as fitment.  The NGK wires were cut to a more appropriate length than the previous wires on the car.

Installation was as easy as you'd expect.  The built-in numbering on the plug wires was a nice touch too!

Old wires

New NGK Wires

Fitment was better with the new wires

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